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​​​​Alga Super Absorbers

offesr growers a unique soil amendment that absorbs and releases water as needed by plants to help growers produce consistently higher quality, greater volume yields while reducing water and input costs. They are manufactured from natural cornstarch in line with the company’s environmental, social, ecological and economical policy, being non-toxic, biodegradable, pH neutral and safe for all plants and soils. The product absorbs more than 400 times its own weight in water, and release up to 95% of held moisture back to the plant. It will hydrate and re-hydrate over and over through a growing season. Super Absorbers provide an end-of-life for micro-organisms in the soil.​


Application Rates & Methods
We recommend a fresh application with each new planting to ensure that the product is in close proximity to the   seeds and roots. The suggested soil mixing rate is 0.3-0.9kg per cubic metre of soil. Mix pellets as evenly and thoroughly as possible to spread efficacy and avoid high concentrations in one area. Media should be dry for more even distribution and ease of mixing. For specific products and applications please consult our application guide.​


  • Plant Pots volume L) x 1.275 grams of absorber i.e.50 L pot 50 x 1.275/g = 63.75grammes

  • Flower Beds 2  kg per 100m2 

  • Amenity Turf, Lawns etc 1 -2 kg per 100m2 

  • Obviously for all applications the product must be below the flowers/grass.


Advantages Improves plant quality and yield by increasing the soil’s moisture content, retention and supply to the root zone.

When used with liquid growth stimulant, it will maximise the crop investment by absorbing and releasing the   nutrient, creating a healthy microenvironment for the plants to thrive in.

No petroleum residue or high sodium content as in synthetic polymer absorbers.

Reduction in plant irrigation costs.


Much greater efficiency at releasing water to roots than other synthetic absorbers.


Typical Physical Characteristics

  • Appearance: Beige Granules.

  • Relative Density: Typically 1.05g/cm2

  • Solubility in Water: N/A pH Value: Neutral

  • Storage & Handling

  • 36 months shelf life in original container.

  • Handle in accordance with good practice, no special precautions with product alone.                                                                                                                                                     ï»¿


Health & Safety 


  • Super Absorbers will not cause any health and safety issues, when used in accordance with

  • the recommended instructions. Further detailed information can be obtained from the material Data Sheet.​ 

  • Disposal Totally natural product. Biodegradable, Contains no harmful chemicals or substances. Will provide nutrients for soil-micro-organisms at end of application.



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