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The Alga Companies unique products help to regenerate brownfield sites by accelerating the natural decomposition of hydrocarbon pollutants - such as oil and gas - within contaminated soils, a process known as bioremediation. Cost-effective and totally sustainable, our soil treatments have quickly become established as leaders within the brownfield industry. Armed with our products, our clients are now helping to transform the landscape of some of the UK's biggest cities.


Case Study: West Thurrock

Outstanding Bioremediation in Winter Months

Alga Power 101 was again able to prove its efficacy when it was utilized on a former industrial site in West Thurrock, Essex, under some extremely challenging conditions. Formerly a scrapyard, the contaminated site was heavily laden with diesel and other fuels. Prior to treatment the TPH of the soil ranged between 8,000mg/kg and 10,000mg/kg. Bioremediation took place between November and December 2010, when the weather in the southeast of England was extremely cold. Soil from the site was mechanically screened and then sprayed directly with Alga Power 101. It was then constructed into vented biopiles and left for a period of eight weeks. Soil samples were taken after the treatment period, and showed a new average TPH level of 775mg/kg, which represented a reduction in overall human-health contamination of 91.4%. The site also passed the stringent leachate targets for the soil of 930μg/l TPH. From seven leachate samples, the average contamination after eight weeks of treatment was 223μg/l, less than 25% of what was required. Given the exceptionally low temperatures during this period, our client had concerns about the level of microbial activity that could be expected at the site and about the effect that this might have on the speed and extent of the bioremediation. However, the results proved that even under these extremely testing conditions, Sea Power 101 dramatically enhanced the natural degradation process at the site.



Case Study: Chertsey

Award-winning Bioremediation

‘Best Use of a Single Remediation Technique’ at the 2008 Brownfield Briefing awards for their treatment of this former gasworks in Surrey. After applying Alga Power 101 during the screening process, A vented biopiles housed in large poly-tunnels. Air was continually circulated through the piles using a low vacuum extraction system, preventing the need for mechanical turning. Prior to the bioremediation, the site’s mean average contamination levels were 2,410mg/kg TPH and 1,100mg/kg PAH. Following treatment with Alga Power 101 over a period of ten weeks, these levels fell to just 394mg/kg TPH and 218mg/kg PAH respectively, representing a 90% reduction in overall pollution levels. Brownfield Briefing concluded that this was an achievement unlikely to be possible during the winter months by any other bioremediation method. Eliminating the need for the transportation and disposal of 200 lorry loads of hazardous waste to landfill and the importation of the necessary backfill, bioremediation and re-use of 3,250 tonnes of soil resulted in a saving of £195,000, which equates to more than 50% of the total contract sum.



Case Study: Darlaston

From Gasworks to Playing Field

There had formerly been a gasometer on this site, which had contaminated 3000 cubes of soil with an average TPH of 6,500mg/kg and an average PAH of 400mg/kg. .The contractor for the work  were looking for a way of treating the soil on site and avoiding any landfill costs. We suggested to them that they apply two litres of Alga Power 101, our unique seaweed-based media, with 100g of AlgaBoost, a dried blend of pseudomonas bacteria, along with 18 litres of water for every cubic metre to be treated. This solution was then sprayed directly into the soil following screening. After the treatment was applied, the soil was placed into windrows and left for a period of twelve weeks. During this time, each windrow was turned twice. After a period of twelve weeks, the soil had been successfully brought down to safe levels and could be backfilled and compacted. The site is now ready for use by the adjacent school, Grace Academy.

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