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Environmental Criteria: AlgaAzul 100% Organic 
Alga Boost Class 1 Bacillus based bacteria – Naturally Occurring, Non Pathogenic, Conforms to ECD1907/2006

Product: Alga Azul Waste Water Treatment


  • Alga Azul for Wastewater is a blend of specially-sourced, dried bacteria spores that helps to increase the overall microbe population in wastewater treatment systems.

  • Bacteria augmentation is the most effective way of redressing the bacteria that are lost as a result of chemical or toxic agents in the waste stream and from the irregular flow of effluent.

  • Each gram of Alga Boost contains five billion colony forming units, meaning that regular application cangreatly increase the speed and extent to which effluent can be broken down.

  • Applying Alga Azul and Alga Boost at the same time into gives you the benefits of using both; that is, a stimulant for the bacteria within your wastewater system, as well as a means of artificially boosting their numbers. However, the overall effect is much greater than the sum of the two parts.That's because the Alga Azul also acts as a stimulant for the billions of bacteria contained within AlgaBoost, producing exactly the same frenzied activity as it does with the native colonies.

  • Research has shown that when you when you add a  conventional bacteria augment to wastewater as many as 95 per cent of the new microbes perish before they reach the treatment zone, deprived of the nutrients they need for survival.

  • Mixing Alga Azul and Alga Boost prior to application circumvents this problem, introducing a population of billions of supercharged bacteria directly into the treatment zone.


  • Prevents the build up of untreated effluent within a wastewater system

  • Reduces the levels of BOD, ammonia and suspended solids in end discharge, reducing the risk of breaching environmental legislation

  • Regular application can greatly increase the speed and extent to which effluent can be broken down.

  • Tackles bad smells, blockages, back-flows and the other symptoms of inefficient wastewater treatment

  • Helps to protect against expensive emergency system recovery work

Sectors: All where septic tanks are in operation


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