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Environmental Criteria: Conforms to 2001/58/EC & ISO 11014-1

The AlgaMar Industrial Degreaser


A powerful and versatile – yet ecological and sustainable – low-foaming alternative to chemical degreasing products.

Derived chiefly from the Laminaria Digitata species of seaweed, the product is highly effective at removing stubborn grease and grime from metal or plastic surfaces.

In fact, Pera have independently proven the solution to be 97.5% as effective as the chemical degreaser TCE, whilst having none of the health risks or environmental side-effects.


The New Alternative to TCE

Trichloroethylene (TCE) – a powerful industrial solvent – has traditionally been considered the most effective

degreasing agent on the market. However,AlgaMar Industrial Degreaser was proven to match it in efficacy

by up to 97.5% in an independent study recently carried out by Pera. Many of TCE’s applications have been

outlawed since 2010, owing to its chemical instability and detrimental health effects; our organic degreaser

now offers an alternative - a powerful degreaser that carries no environmental or health and safety risks


Versatile Degreasing Product

Fully stable in hard water, The AlgaMar will remove oil and grease from metal and plastic surfaces in a variety of contexts. One common application is in component washing systems, where the product has the added bonus of being suitable for use in dip tanks, ultrasonic cleaning machines and by hand. It is also used within the electroplatingindustry as a pretreatment, helping to remove impurities and ensure better results when the surfaces are finished. The AlgaMar Industrial Degreaser's versatility also makes it very useful in the recycling industry, where metals and plastics must be cleaned before they can be processed and reused. In this proactively green industry, the use of chemical degreasers is unfortunately still common.


The AlgaMar Industrial Degreaser also forms the basis for many other cleaning products in the commercial and domestic sphere. Modified with additional plant extracts and esters, the The AlgaAzul formula has spawned a great variety of new, green solutions, including: an oven cleaner; a specialist cleaner for removing rubber tyre marks; a car engine degreaser; and much more besides.


Low Risk, Cost Saving, Environmentally Friendly

The AlgaMarl Industrial Degreaser is neither flammable nor hazardous to health, which ensures that the product is incredibly low risk to store and handle on site. In fact, because it is derived only from natural substances, it is exempt from COSHH certification altogether. What is more, the product is effective at lower temperatures - 45 degrees compared to 65 degrees for a typical chemical degreaser, requiring 20% less immersion time - which means the operator can make considerable savings on heating costs. This makesThe AlgaAzul is good for both your profits and the planet; and let's not forget that the product itself poses no threat to the environment whatsoever. You can even pour it down the storm drain when you're done.

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