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Synergistic System

Biostimulant and Biosurfactant 

AlgaPower 101 is a reagent used in the bioremediation of hydrocarbon contaminated soil. Derived from a unique mixture of seaweed and plant extracts, the product acts as a nutrient rich biostimulant for indigenous bacteria as well as a highly effective biosurfactant. It therefore helps to support and accelerate the natural degradation of pollutants within soil by heightening the metabolism of native microbes and increasing the bioavailability of hydrocarbon chains. Developed over the course of a decade, AlgaPower 101 constitutes an invaluable low-cost and sustainable technology for the bioremediation sector.

Furthermore, coupled with our BioBoost bacteria augment in our Synergistic System, AlgaPower 101 has helped to redefine what can be achieved using bioremediation.

A Revolution In Bioremediation

Bacteria products have been around in the land remediation sector for some years. Claiming that their 'Magic Dust' could 'eat through crude oil', the companies selling these products often failed to mention that 98% of augmented bugs, starved of the conditions needed to sustain them, died within the first 24 hours. It's hardly surprising then that attempts to use such products were often met with abject failure, leaving the industry as a whole unconvinced.

AlgaPower 101 offers new microbe spores the vital nutrients they need to stay alive immediately after they are introduced into the soil, thereby overcoming the major problem with 'bioaugmentation'.

Our Synergistic System, which involves mixing AlgaPower 101 with BioBoost - our specialist bacteria augment - prior to use, allows large, highly active colonies of hydrocarbon degrading microbes to become established at a site. Coupled with the surfactant properties of AlgaPower 101, which increase the availability pollutants, our system lays the foundations for reliable and efficient treatment using bioaugmentation.

Clients who utilise our Synergistic System are able to treat higher concentrations of contaminants, including BTEX and other PAHs. Furthermore, they are able to greatly reduce the amount of soil they ultimately send to landfill, as well as completing projects within tighter time constraints.wn content and make changes to the font. Feel free to drag and drop me anywhere you like on your page. I’m a great place for you to tell a story and let your users know a little more about you.
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