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Seaweed extract is uniquely suited to the job of soil enhancement.

Indeed coastal communities have been using it for this purpose for hundreds of years. Its vast array of micronutrients and minerals are incredibly effective at stimulating natural composting bacteria; meanwhile, seaweed's range of surfactants or 'wetting agents' help to retain heat and moisture within soil. As a result, gardeners who use AlgaVerde Compost Accelerator have found it to vastly speed up the natural production cycle, allowing them to turn out high quality organic compost in just six weeks.

  • Quick: AlgaVerde Compost Accelerator is full of essential nutrients that stimulate the bacteria within compost piles, helping them to reach their optimum working capacity more quickly. Meanwhile, the product also contains natural surfactants, which retain water within compost piles and prevent dehydration. As a result, the metabolic transformation of waste into compost can be reduced to as little as six weeks.

  • Clean: By increasing microbial activity within your compost pile,AlgaVerde Compost Accelerator ensures that higher metabolic temperatures can be reached very rapidly. Consequently, potentially harmful pathogens within your compost pile can be quickly killed off. Meanwhile, biological ion exchange also helps to eliminate unpleasant odours.

  • Organic: AlgaVerde Compost Accelerator contains no chemical preservatives and meets all the criteria thrown down by Organic Farmers and Growers - the most stringent test for organic in the UK. So you can rest easy knowing that anything grown in your compost is truly organic as well.

  • Sustainable: The Alga Company only uses plants that have been harvested in a sustainable manner. In so doing, we hope that the amazing benefits of seaweed, which has been utilised in British coastal agriculture for hundreds of years, can go on to be enjoyed for generations to come.

  • Available in 1l and 5l bottles. 1l is enough product for one cubic metre of compound - an average size compost bin.

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